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The Power of One Word!

We all live life in a RUT! We run the whole time; we have pressures to perform and targets to meet. At the end of the day, we all run out of steam, feel that we have not achieved what we aimed for, and battle to become re-energised for the next day of work.


How can you re-energise your team?


One word – Thanks!

Image by Towfiqu barbhuiya

Here I don’t mean a generalised brush-off “Thanks” with a half-hearted hand waving to the whole team at the end of a meeting or a busy day. I also don’t mean the “Thanks” we tend to mumble under our breath, quick over and done with. No!


I mean real “Thanks” coming from your heart. Real “Thanks” does not carry a “One size fits all” tag. Real “Thanks” are specific:

       People Specific!

              Situation Specific! 

                      Content Specific!

                                  Time Specific!


Let me explain what I mean.

 When we had a marketing campaign and Jeff stayed late on the second day without anyone asking him, tidying our campaign stand for the next day, my conversation in the report meeting will be something like…

I want to thank Jeff for staying late at the end of the second day, tidying the stand without anyone asking him to do that. Jeff, I really appreciate your commitment and initiative! Thank you!


Easy you see – it meets all the criteria for a real “Thanks”.


This type of thanks will inspire Jeff to become a better person everyday… and it will inspire the team to also display this type of initiative and commitment.


Real “Thanks” is sincere and displayed in the open, loud and clear enough for all to hear and see. Real “Thanks” can be displayed to the teller in the shop, the petrol attendant at the filling station, your child.


Take the challenge today! Display real “Thanks” to everyone you come across – it will change your life!!

Image by Chungkuk Bae
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