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Taking ownership of your Life!

Morning, my Coffee (and Tea) friend☕🍵
I am honoured that you are taking time out of your busy day to have Coffee with me🌹. Thanks!
This week, my thoughts went in circles trying to figure out the right topic until I had a discussion with one of my nursing colleagues, who has also become a friend❤️.
Are you taking OWNERSHIP of your life?
Are you honestly taking OWNERSHIP of your life?
I have realised that, although I thought I was taking OWNERSHIP, I was not. I keep making excuses about things I am supposed to do, and if I repeat those excuses often enough, I actually believe them…and then I am not taking OWNERSHIP. Do you do the same?
We all make New Year's resolutions. Maybe you did the old favourites of healthy living, weight, and exercise. Maybe your New Year resolution is to build more friendships.

Stretching Exercises

On the healthy living plan…do you argue with yourself every morning about waking up and doing your exercises? Do you find a reason to go off the eating plan and give up constantly?

I will eat refined carbs only for this one meal🤷‍♀️.

I don't want to restrict myself too much; therefore, I prefer freedom in my eating plan🤷‍♀️.

That is not taking OWNERSHIP of your diary, of getting in bed early enough and of sticking to your health plan (and here I speak for myself).


If your New Year's resolution was to build more friendships…do you actively plan and attend events and social gatherings where you will meet new people and, although initially scary, introduce yourself, or do you stick with only socialising with the old and trusted crowd?


Taking OWNERSHIP of your life is about listening critically to your self-talk.

Taking OWNERSHIP of your life is being honest about the excuses you have believed over the years, which became your truths.

Sitting with your CUPPA, I want to challenge you to take stock of your self-talk.

Is what you believe you can or can't do really the truth?
Is it really not possible for you to achieve your dream, or is it just easier to believe your own excuses?

Is it true that…
"I can never finish something that I started" or
"My days are too busy to exercise" or
"I never have enough money to save" or
"My metabolism is slow; therefore, I can not lose weight."
…or are all of these excuses for not taking OWNERSHIP of your life?
I undertake to evaluate my self-talk and excuses in this coming week critically.

Face the music! Say it as it is! Maybe you need to rope in a friend who will, in a loving manner, assist you in facing your gremlins!
Do whatever you need to do to take full OWNERSHIP of your life this week.

What were your insights when you critically evaluated the OWNERSHIP you take?
Enjoy your CUPPA!! ☕🍵

Dinner with Friends
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